By Natalie Fraser. Lily grips her walking frame tightly, her swollen knuckles turning white with the effort. To get down the step is the first thing. Then she must go up the path, unlatch the gate and turn on to … Continued
By Natalie Fraser. The man with the weepy eye is in my spot. I give him the finger and he mumbles something under his breath, unconcerned, not looking at me but at the footpath, as if he didn’t know it … Continued
By Natalie Fraser. Annie said they were bloody vermin, she said they should all be shot. ‘What’s that square in Venice that’s covered in pigeon shit? Can’t remember now but you ask them how they like pigeons, rats of the … Continued
By Karen Lamb. Love of English drew him to teach, though not at all temperamentally suited to the classroom. With hair and beard streaming behind him, and a hapless colleague in his improvised sidecar, he tore into the car park … Continued
By Karen Lamb. We are the only ones there, all the other kids at school and their parents at work. ‘Can I have a go this time?’ So keen now that he has seen me, his dad and his uncle … Continued
By Karen Lamb. Why is this naughty girl paying me attention? I am one of the quiet ones, but I love the way she doesn’t seem to care – she’s noisy when the teacher says be quiet! And I really … Continued
By Kevin Drum. Was that his voice I thought I heard? The throaty chuckle and kindly word I’m not expecting him today He never tells me, but that’s his way He knows my needs are not too much A … Continued
By Kevin Drum. There wasn’t a publican or club manager who didn’t acknowledge him by name. Then there were the nodding acquaintances, train station attendants and guards, bus drivers, hairdressers, snooker hall managers, and taxi drivers. All were vital threads … Continued
By Kevin Drum. Mount Ruapehu is New Zealand’s largest active volcano, and the North Island’s highest peak. It soars in snow-capped splendour to just under 2800 metres, dominating the surrounding countryside. In keeping with the translation of its Maori name … Continued