Looking For Me
By Jo Curtain I’m looking for me. I’m twenty. Instead I find my first dead body. I try to revive him, but he’s long dead. I leave everything behind: all that confuses me, all that is funny delusions and all. … Continued
By Jo Curtain I’m looking for me. I’m twenty. Instead I find my first dead body. I try to revive him, but he’s long dead. I leave everything behind: all that confuses me, all that is funny delusions and all. … Continued
by Jo Curtain her heart was quietly failing as the light moved across the white walls her hands. she laid supine in bed seeking peace. her life no longer her own she had given over her name, her clothes, her … Continued
By Jo Curtain An angel dressed in yellow, emerges like unfolding petals. head – transparent strands of hair her mouth an upturn crack, serene lines of calmness on anaemic skin. Shoulders – yellow crochet shawl slender spindles in yellow socks … Continued
By David Bridge Pile the earth tightly around us, For in death there is no social distancing. In life we huddled your pavements, Dying, we leave not a word, Or even a name to mark our passing. We were here … Continued
As announced on Games of Thrones, “Winter is coming”, but instead of walking icicles, we are threatened with extinction by bouncing droplets. I curse the infection, I condemn to Hell the prevaricators and politicos who have made our lives so miserable, and … Continued
By Ivor Steven Outside alone, stoically I stand Old toes gripping into cold sandHere my lawn cover is sparseBut I see the universe in a blade of grass Under my feet I feel our planet’s groundAbove I see a grey … Continued
I was washing my hands and about to move to the blow drier when a woman burst into the restroom. I stopped in my tracks and stared. She was dressed in cords and carried a large canvas type bag. She had a hat covered in flowers with a tiny American flag stuck in the band.
‘Tis the season to be quite jolly, rather merry and to take a break from the writing life. But then, there’s that itch at the end of one’s fingers, a keyboard tapping away by itself at midnight, or the pages of one’s journal aching to be filled and satisfied.
By Ivor Steven Time Needs No Command The white moon has fallen lateA new daytime awaitsRollover out of dream timeRollover to the edge of timeLeave midnight’s caressing lullabyAnd discover the blue curtain sky It’s time to stretch and yawnIt’s time … Continued
By Andrew Russell I feel the storm approaching But I can’t shelter anymore In this bay I’m slowly dying I’ve paid the price for never leaving shore Stuck in port without a charter No way I could set my course … Continued