By Ivor Steven
Outside alone, stoically I stand
Old toes gripping into cold sand
Here my lawn cover is sparse
But I see the universe in a blade of grass
Under my feet I feel our planet’s ground
Above I see a grey sky swirling around
As the sun hides behind trees and clouds
And my backyard fernery grows lush and proud
Inside, I’m surrounded by a world of sound
Old fingers typing a rhyme of words yet to be found
As the studio rhythm inspires my pen to speak
And my writers haven is where dreams flow vivid and sweet
Ivor Steven is a former Industrial Chemist, then a Plumber, and has been writing poetry for 18 years, having numerous poems published by American on-line magazines, and he currently writes with, Go Dog Go Café magazine.
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Mark Vincent
Dear Ivor,
Your words are a connection to that which we all have around us but maybe do not see.
Thank you and keep up this great work.
Ivor Steven
Thank you Mark, I appreciate your kind comments