Otway Haiku

posted in: Member Writing Features, Poetry | 1

By Janet Baird.

eager rush for gold
multi-masted sailing ships
groan with ghosts below

London bridge collapsed
one span remained defiant
fierce Southern Ocean

where once there were twelve
apostle rockstacks standing
only eight remain

winter migration
flukes flap, tails thwack, breaches stun
whale breeding season

flotsam and jetsam
shells, seaweed, plastic, trapped birds
how do humans rate?

hiding in bushland
rare yellow-breasted robins
fight for survival

headlights shimmer through
twilight mist in the Otways
black panther eyes glow

frilled fungi adorn
mossy boughs along bush tracks
tall treeferns drip shade

not many giants left
homes in hollows disappear
greedy chainsaws kill

golf at Anglesea
kangaroos nibble fairways
rest in warm bunkers


Janet Baird has been a member of Geelong Writers since the early days at the Wintergarden. She is an artist, writer, grandmother, long standing student of U3A and retired secondary teacher. Janet recently published a book of poetry entitled Connecting: to this planet and Her inhabitants. Copies are available at The Book Bird.

  1. Jo Curtain

    Amazing Janet. Your images simultaneously show the fragility and robust nature of the landscape and some of the concerning impacts humans are having on this special coast line.

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