A Camelot Christmas
by Adrian Brookes. On Christmas morn in Camelot, as dawn was waking pale, There echoed from far dark domains a fraught and fearsome wail— A noble quest! To arms I’d sprung and bid my loyal steed Make thunder of his … Continued
by Adrian Brookes. On Christmas morn in Camelot, as dawn was waking pale, There echoed from far dark domains a fraught and fearsome wail— A noble quest! To arms I’d sprung and bid my loyal steed Make thunder of his … Continued
By Geoffrey Gaskill. Christmas 2021 is to be cancelled. Speaking from the North Pole, Father Christmas said, ‘It will come as a shock, but it had to be done. There’s just too much unfinished business. Take COVID for a start. … Continued
FIRST PRIZE Swimming with Sharks, by Jo Curtain I have moved from the family home I (we) lived in for thirty years to a new, different space in Caloundra. As you’d imagine, packing up a house where so much living … Continued