Owl / Shadow in the Trees / Will We Choose Wisely?
Will We Choose Wisely? (a Senryu) by Ivor Steven The owl shook his head Angry feathers flew sideways ‘You must choose wisely!’
Will We Choose Wisely? (a Senryu) by Ivor Steven The owl shook his head Angry feathers flew sideways ‘You must choose wisely!’
Where you live, by Jo Curtain SEE—THERE! ADRIAN BROOKES Out from these walls I release you, my soul, Into realms of blue eternity, Where no-one can know what you see except me— And high as you alone can soar, Far … Continued
Spiritual journey through art, by Mathilda Garrido Lucay IN THE BEGINNING GEOFFREY GASKILL In the Beginning … … the world is dark and without sound. These are the days before butterflies. The butterfly woman’s mother is the … Continued
Morea 1 & Morea 2, by Kim Rance DAISY’S WORLD JULIE RYSDALE MOTHER JO CURTAIN On the edge of the Pacific Ocean, Mother waits one thousand years in shrouded majesty rising through the earth, her love trickles down in … Continued
Untitled 3, by John Bartlett UNTITLED JO CURTAIN The Artist is born in a summer storm, under thick colossal clouds gathering above the Pacific Ocean. The Artist has no mother, no father, no siblings to guide them, only the … Continued
Before Dawn, by Jan Price WHAT IF? JULIE RYSDALE We could have hauled our load up the stairs as high as we could go in that pretty pale moonlight. We would have dressed warmly for the chill ahead. And … Continued
Dabola, Guinea, West Africa, by Kris Fricke THE IMPORTANCE OF A ROOSTER JULIE RYSDALE HISTOIRE GEOFFREY GASKILL The day was sultry, and the last class of the day was lethargic. ‘Did you know,’ Mr Peck, their … Continued
Station, by Julie Rysdale A MORNING AT THE STATION JULIE RYSDALE The train’s warm rush of gritty wind scatters disposed coffee cups, discarded wrappers and greasy paper bags which have cocooned morning croissants and pains au chocolat. The memory … Continued
things aren’t what they seem, by Jo Curtain KEEPIN’ IT REAL JULIE RYSDALE So there it is again, fools. You disjointed souls mocking us mules. Taking us for a ride now. You are drawing us out? how? No … Continued
Timber, by Anne Franks EYE IN THE TREE MICHAEL CAINS Rustling leaves following my walk through the forest. Covering the tracks where I slowly pass by, The scent of trees lingers closely around me. Air sweeter and heavier, but … Continued